This agreement is by and between MOTText and their clients regarding the use of
MOTText is owned and operated by Fuel Tank Media Limited and is a registered company
in the United Kingdom (Registration Number: 08773121). Registered address: 2 Chesterfield
Buildings, Westbourne Place, Bristol, United Kingdom, BS8 1RU.
The System - This is including the website to record
the customer details, sending of reminders and purchasing of credits.
Client - The customer of MOTText who are using the system.
Customer - This is who will receive the reminders from the System. allows the client to create/alter and delete customer records that
relate to the renewal of the customers MOT and Services on their vehicle(s).
Fees and Credits
There is no setup or monthly fees to be paid by the client for the use of works on a credit based system. Each and every reminder that is sent
via one of ours channels (Text, Email, Postal and Telephone) will deduct a certain
number of credits. For credits required please see our pricing page for specific costs.
Once credits have been purchased these credits will never expire, credits will never
be refunded. If however a single credit hasn’t been sent from the customers account
for a period of 12 months the credit balance will be reset to zero with no refund.
The client will pay for any credits before they are applied to the clients account.
In the situation where complimentary credits are applied the client is not required
to pay any fees to MOTText.
The only difference in cost between Self and the Fully Managed service is that for
every customer that we enter for you under the Fully Managed service we subtract
one credit from your account on entry. Whereas the Self managed approach does not
incur this cost.
Customer Details
The customer details are the property of the client and it is the clients responsibility
to make sure that this information is always up to date and they are a valid opt-in information.
Customers are allowed to request the information that is recorded against them,
they can either ask the client to print out the customer details screen to show
the information or they can send a request to MOTText's registered address.
The customer has the right to unsubscribe their details from the system meaning
that they will not be contacted via until they ask to reverse this.
It is the client’s responsibility to get permission from the customer before their
details are entered into the system to receive reminders.
MOTText and the Customer
MOTText will never contact the customer unless permission has been granted from
the Client.
The System
MOTText will keep the client up to date with any changes to the system that may
arise, giving at least 48 hours notice before any non critical upgrades to the system.
Critical updates will be dealt with at the time and although we will try our best
we may not be able to contact the Client regarding the issue or delay the upgrade
for up to 48 hours. Any non critical upgrades will always happen outside of normal
office hours 9am - 5.30pm for minimum disruption.
MOTText will do its utmost to keep accessible at all times, however
from time to time there maybe situations where it is out of the control of MOTText.
Termination of Contract
The customer can terminate this contract by writing to MOTText's registered
address detailing why they would like to terminate the contract. Once this has been
received we will terminate the customers account and no more reminders will be sent
to their customers. As detailed above unused credits will not be refunded.
The client is free to advertise the reminder service to their customers through
any means that they like as long as it is within the law for the United Kingdom.
The client will not try to Distribute/Reproduce/Replicate any of the information
displayed on the system as the intellectual rights are owned by MOTText.
By registering with MOTText you are in agreement with these terms for the duration
that you use