Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a limit on the number of customers I can record details for?
No, you can add as many customers to MOTText as you like, whether that is a 100 or 10,000+ we can cater for all of them.
I don't have a website, is that okay?
Yes, you do not need a website or any online presence to work with MOTText it is solely independant service that works for your garage.
Which browsers does MOTText support?
MOTText supports all major browsers, and even works well on iOS devices (iPhone/iPad). We'll be releasing an even better mobile solution soon.
Is there a mobile app for MOTText?
Not yet, but MOTText works pretty well on most mobile devices today. We plan to make the mobile experience even better in the near future.
Is my customer details data Safe?
Yes, your customer information is completely safe. We keep the records on secured servers that are located in brand new state-of-the-art facility in the United Kingdom. They are also protetected by state of the art security software that keep them safe from unlawful access electronically.

We are registered with a governing body called the Information Commisioners Office (ICO).
Why are we registered with the ICO?
All public and private organisations are legally obliged to protect any personal information they hold and may be required to notify with the ICO.
Who are the ICO?
The Information Commissioner's Office is an independent official body while the Information Commissioner is appointed by the Queen. The Commissioner is responsible for administering the provisions of the Data Protection Act 1998 and the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

As we handle personal information about individuals, we have a number of legal obligations to protect that information under those acts

For more information go to

MOTText is owned and operated by Fuel Tank Media Ltd and our ICO Registration Number is ZA055685
What do we do with your customer information?
We only use your customers information for the services we offer to you based on your requirements. We will not sell or disclose your customers information with any one else unless you require us too. It is not our business to use your customers details in any other way except for notifications and/or marketing preferences at your request.
Can we see our customers information that you are holding?
Yes of course. When you registered with us you were given a login to the website. You can browse through the system and see all your information there. Alternatively, for an admin charge of £10, we can print off all customer records and send them to you by post.

Note: This is also available for your customers to request this information for the same fee. This is a legal requirement to allow this under the Data Protection Act 1998
How do I record their details?
There are several ways for you to record your customers details, we try and make it as easy as possible for you to take their details, you can use one of the following solutions:
  • Paper based forms which you can download from the dashboard
  • Direct into the MOTText system
  • Via the mobile site, this removes all responsibility for you
  • Record their details on a paper form and then we process them for you.
Are the customer details secure?
Each one of your customer details is protected and only allocated against your account, meaning that it is 100% secure and will not be shared with anyone else.
What happens if a customer changes their mobile number?
We fully take care of this for you, is a message is delivered to a number that is no longer active we will automatically unsubscribe their details so it doesnt send another one costing you more money.
Can you change the customer details?
You or the customer can fully change all their details easily including unsubscribing their details so they dont receive any more messages from you. As it is their right to opt-out.
Can you import my data from another system or the spreadsheet we've been using?
Likely so if you can get all your customer information into a spreadsheet. Contact us and let's chat about it.
I would like to export all my data?
As the information that is entered into the system belongs to you the garage, let us know when you would like to export the data and we can do this for you.